ABOUND is dedicated to empowering neurodivergent individuals in the workplace and helping organizations to operate more effectively. We offer training...
Bette Watson-Borg brings over 25 years of working with individuals, groups and teams and helping them realize their goals through coaching, facilitati...
If you're feeling buried in your business, unsure where to go next, or wondering where the FUN has gone--we can help with that. We help retail and pro...
Halifax NS
B3N 2P7
To create a more socially, economically and environmentally just world, we must act on the personal, organizational and social level. Big Waves suppor...
A Professional Corporate Wellness Consultant I help small and medium sized businesses and non-profits create a wellness and well-being movement within...
Dempster Wellness is Atlantic Canada's leader in Corporate Employee Health, Wellness, Ergonomics and Injury Prevention. Our Associate Team work closel...
Workplace relationships matter to your success! As an employer, what matters most to you? Productivity. Profit. Peace. Diane Wooden Consulting is HR w...
HR Atlantic and it's associate company HR Atlantic Law are specialists providing labour relations advice and services to employers as well as high con...
At Ignite Leaders Inc. we offer business services such as education, training and consulting on reinvention, human resources, appreciative inquiry, ch...
Intuity Performance is a woman-led company whose mission is to genuinely inspire people and elevate the growth of individuals and organizations people...
Keep Cres
Hammonds Plains NS B4B 0J1